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25 West Perry St., Willard, Ohio 44890 419.935.1149

St. Francis Xavier Church

St. Francis and St. Bernard 7 & 8 grade students.

Bring a Friend to Supper with Bishop Thomas
Bishop Thomas came to St. Francis on Wednesday, March 20th to speak to St. Francis & St. Bernard Jr. High and High School Students for "Bring a Friend to Supper". Thanks to Kevin for cooking up some great food and his team of parents that helped. A great night of food, fellowship and being with friends.

St. Francis and St. Bernard High School grade students

Bring a Friend to Dinner.
The Mercy Youth Group spent an evening of fellowship, food and listening to a great speaker (Sr. Diane Hay). Youth Minister Kevin Garrett and his crew provided Pasta, salad, bread sticks and desserts. What a great way to stay warm on such a cold night.

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