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       The Bishop's Corner

         with Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas,

         D.D., S.T.L., Bishop of Toledo 


    We are very pleased to present the Bishop's

    Corner with the Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas,

    D.D., S.T.L., Bishop of Toledo. Our Bishop welcomes your questions and

    comments about theology, events in our Diocese, or about the Church in

    general. The Bishop's Corner Podcast airs Thursday evenings at 8 pm, with

    rebroadcasts on Fridays at 11 am, and Saturdays at noon.

    Check out prior podcasts or submit a question to Bishop Thomas.




Liturgical Year and Calendar Information:




The Catholic Church's Main Website in Rome

Here you will find a wealth of information, including all of the

Holy Fathers' encyclicals!

Note: Page is in Italian. Web site will ask if you want to translate to English





EWTN - Eternal Word Television Network

Catholic Television, Catholic Radio and Catholic News. The Eternal Word Television Network is an American television network which presents around-the-clock Catholic-themed programming. See what EWTN is airing now on all of its nine networks, access past episodes of your favorite shows, listen to EWTN radio and find out what is on the WEWN Catholic Radio Station




Annunciation Radio

Catholic Radio Stations serving the Diocese of Toledo. The goal

of Annunciation Radio is to bear witness and proclaim the truths of

the Catholic Faith to the people in a fresh, positive way. Our media will

help enable listeners to experience a personal and profound meeting

with the Savior in presenting the teachings of Christ and His Church




Diocese of Toledo

At this website, you can reach the main page for the Diocese of Toledo




Diocese of Toledo

Office of Child and Youth Protection

and Victim Assistance

                 To report any suspected or actual sexual abuse of a minor by

                 Diocesan rsonnel, immediate contact should be made with local

                 civil authorities, and with the Toledo Diocesan Victim Assistance                                              Coordinator, Mr. Frank DiLallo. He can be reached at 419-243-2150

                 (private line) or 419-244-6711, ext. 4880 in the Toledo calling area,

                 or 1-800-926-8277, ext. 4880 (Outside Toledo, Within Ohio).




Official Papal Visit Website 

Keep up to date on the Papal visits and a whole lot more 




 Newman Connection

A place to unite in prayer and strengthen your Catholic faith

and locate a college Campus Ministry




United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

At this website, you can read about how the Holy Father has dedicated

this year to the Priests.




Today's Scripture Reading:



The Reverend Know-it-all

For some great teachings of the Catholic Faith!. Simple answers to good,

faith-filled questions.  Check it out!



Do you have trouble pronouncing words in scripture readings?

Then check out this website!

Biblical Words - Pronunciation Guide




What We Believe Q&A



Bible Search



The Catholic Truth

The Catholic Truth lay apostolate was created in order to help Catholics learn more about their faith. We make use of the Internet to carry out our mission

and all of our services are provided free of charge. 



Hope after Abortion

“I don’t deserve to be happy.” God wants to restore your happiness. Come back to God who is love and mercy. For hope and healing after an abortion, contact the local confidential Project Rachel Helpline at 1-888-456-HOPE or Learn more at

© 2015 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church | Willard, Ohio 44890 | 419.935.1149 

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